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Based in a rural Bangladeshi village, Kailakuri Health Care Project serves three different groups - Bengali Muslims, Mandi tribal Christians, and Borman tribal Hindus, with 47,588 outpatient visits in 2022.


We employ local staff with few if any formal qualifications, who are trained on-the-job as paramedics - and offer low-cost treatment to poor patients who cannot afford to pay for medical care elsewhere. A number of these staff are now completing 'Diploma in Medical Assistant' qualifications (funded by JOCS) alongside their shifts at the project. 


Because patients cannot afford to pay the full costs of treatment, we rely on generous donations from others to help fund our running costs.


Healthcare for the poor by the poor.

The medical practices followed are simple, appropriate and cheap. Even so, the poor can not afford to pay for more than 10 or 15% of the cost.

The more families have to pay for health treatment, the less they have to pay for food, water and sanitation – and the sicker they get. There will always be a need for some external funding. What is being achieved at Kailakuri is unique.

Historically antagonistic ethnic and religious groups are working together.

Health services are being provided for the poor, by the poor.  Kailakuri is managed and operated by the poor. 


Kailakuri Health Care Project's philosophy is "health for the poor, by the poor". Kailakuri is managed and operated by local staff who grew up in the surrounding villages. The project was founded and directed by New Zealander Dr Edric Baker, until he passed away on 1st September 2015. The project has approximately 79 staff , many of whom Dr Baker trained over a number of years, enabling the project to continue running smoothly after his death. All staff take part in weekly training sessions, run by the senior paramedics. There are two full-time Bangladeshi registered doctors, and two-monthly rotating internee doctors from Gonoshashtaya Kendra Medical College and Hospital. In early 2018 the project was joined by Drs Jason and Merindy Morgensen,  from the United States. It is a project of Dr Baker's Organisation for Well-Being, an independent NGO registered with the Bangladeshi NGO Bureau and approved to receive foreign funds and volunteers. 




Kailakuri Health Care Project 

P.O. Hagurakuri 


Tangail 1996 



Pijon Nongmin

(Executive Director) 

+88 01716557590

Sujit Rangsa

(Medical Co-ordinator) 

Nur Amin Roton

*Contact Person*

(Monitoring & Evaluation Officer)

+88 01757716596

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